FRAG Games Day - North East Community Center - July 25, 2015 (12:00pm)

Started by FragAdmin, January 08, 2015, 10:54:54 AM

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Join us for FRAG Games Day!

Have a game you would like to play?  Please let us know by commenting below and we can get a game organized!

Where: North East Community Center
When: July 25, 2015
Time: Begins at 12:00PM (noon) and runs till 12:00am (midnight)

Refreshments and snacks available for a minimal cost.  With Dinner ordered from Wok Box South Location (cash, debit or credit available to pay for your dinner if you choose to order)

New Members always welcome!  Membership is $1.00 which pays for your membership as well as a Beverage when you hand in your membership form!

- FRAG Advertising Administrator