Feature Friday - Southside Pentecostal Assembly - Friday, March 21, 2025

Started by Allan Luesink, March 10, 2025, 09:13:03 PM

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Allan Luesink

Hi all,

March is here and, along with it, the warm air of spring is blowing. It's the time of newness, optimism and, if your were a Roman, war. On that theme of impending battle, our Feature Game will take us back to ancient Egypt.

In Kemet: Blood and Sand, the deities of the Nile cities venture forth with their troops and supernatural denizens to out maneuver and dominate their rivals for Egyptian supremacy. Gather strength and influence through winning attacks, controlling temples, controlling fully-developed pyramids, sacrificing to the gods, and wielding particular magical powers to become the leading power in humanity's first great empire.

Of course, as always, there will be many other games available to be played.

!!! If you have a game you'd like to play and draw some attention to, feel free to volunteer for future Feature Game slots. Just drop me a note at feature_friday@hotmail.com.

Feature Friday meets at Southside Pentecostal Assembly (41 Birchwood Rd) from 7pm to midnight. There is parking and an entrance at the back of the building. A snack table will be set up so feel free to contribute a drink or something to munch on. And feel free to bring along friends (and to forward this invite).

Hope you'll be there,
