Dragon Ball Super Constructed Tournament: ComicReaders Downtown: Sun Feb 23 2020

Started by ChadBoudreau, February 14, 2020, 11:02:58 AM

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ComicReaders Downtown is holding a Dragon Ball Super Card Game Tournament.

The tournament is in the Constructed format, meaning players bring their own pre-built deck, adhering to the following tournament guidelines:

A valid tournament deck contains the following number of cards:
Leader Card: 1 card
Deck: 50 cards
・Decks can contain only Battle Cards and Extra Cards.
・Decks cannot contain more or or less than 50 cards.
・Decks may contain a maximum of four copies of a card with the same card number.

Tournaments are conducted using a swiss draw format.

For the first match, players are paired with each other at random.
For the second match onward, players are paired against players with similar point totals.

- Players may drop out of the tournament midway.
- Players are allowed to drop out following the end of their currently assigned match.
- If a player chooses to drop out, they must inform the tournament organizers of their decision by the end of the current match.
- Players who drop out of a tournament midway are not included in future matchmaking and are not assigned a final placing.
- Players who are late to their assigned match and fail to inform the organizers by the time the match ends may be disqualified from the tournament.

At the end of the tournament the following prizes will be given:

First place: 1 tournament pack + 2 packs of Universal Onslaught
Second place: 1 tournament pack + 1 pack of Universal Onslaught
Third place: 1 tournament pack

There will be a random draw for one player to receive 1 tournament pack.

WE NEED A MINIMUM OF 6 PLAYERS TO RUN THIS EVENT. The event will be cancelled if we do not have 6 players, but players can play casually for no entry fee and no prizes.


Sunday, February 23, 2020
12:30pm - 5:00pm

Venue Information: Click Here


Chad Boudreau


$5 entry.
This event is in the DBS event reporter.
First place: 1 tournament pack + 2 packs of Universal Onslaught
Second place: 1 tournament pack + 1 pack of Universal Onslaught
Third place: 1 tournament pack
There will be a random draw for one player to receive 1 tournament pack.