Prairie Game eXpo Volunteer Schedule (May 28th, 2016)

Started by Dana_Tillusz, February 03, 2016, 04:49:49 PM

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Prairie Game eXpo is made possible thanks to the help of volunteers. This thread is to help schedule volunteers running the Prairie Game eXpo.

New for this PGX all Volunteers will receive an extra opportunity to win in the game prize draws.

Registration Table Schedule
Role: Welcoming attendees, making sure everyone signs the log book, answering questions.

9am - 10am: Bryce Robinson
10am - 11am: Brent (craftybernardo)
11am - 12pm: Janessa (Jhegel)
1pm - 2pm: Chad Boudreau
2pm - 3pm: Thomas (PrisonMonkeys)
3pm - 4pm: Brad (bboileau)
4pm - 5pm: Darrin Bailey (Trimmer)
5pm - 9pm: Open doors. We ask that all ambassadors keep watch for people in need.

Learn to Play
Role: Teaching easy / accessible games to people. "Learn to Play" is a PGX initiative to help introduce new games to PGX attendees. We will have three time slots available, with two games offered in each time slot. We would like one, perhaps two volunteers for each game in each time slot. Game teachers will teach a single game to groups of people over a two-hour block. Please contact us here if you're interested.

9-11 - Machi Koro (bboileau)
10-12 - Codenames (Davey)
10-12 - Splendor (FelixC)
12-2 - Catan (Janessa)
12-2 - Boss Monster (prairieguy)
3-5 - Hanabi (NeikeDjour)
3-5 - King of Tokyo (Bryce)

Please let us know if you are able to lend a hand at the May 28th, 2016 Prairie Game eXpo. Please reply to this forum.


Do you still need volunteers Dana? I can look after the table for any shift.


Quote from: Jhegel on March 30, 2016, 12:52:10 PM
Do you still need volunteers Dana? I can look after the table for any shift.

All time slots are open. Take your pick!



Hello Dana,

I was wondering if you guys have had an interest in the Pathfinder RPG at one of your events. I am currently running the Saskatoon Pathfinder Society and we are looking to spread into various areas throughout Saskatchewan. Pathfinder is a free to play Role Playing Game from Paizo which is a variation of Dungeons and Dragons 3.5. The organized play (Society) give special benefits to players, has multiple season modular with story arcs, and allows people to jump in to a session or game with friends. There are introduction modulars that take up to an hour or a full modular that can be up to 5 hours depending on the players ability. If your interested, I would be happy to set something up at Prairie Game Expo. We have participated at the Saskatoon Expo for the last two years and we are looking into other events help promote gaming. If you have any questions you can forward them to me at We also host a bi-weekly event at Dragon's Den in Saskatoon for anyone who is interested in seeing what we are all about. April 10th is our next event and everyone is quite helpful in assisting others. We foster a friendly gaming environment for everyone from younger people to very experienced.

Thanks for your considerations,

Melvin Ngo
Venture Captain
Saskatchewan Pathfinder/Starfinder Society

Bryce Robinson

I take requests. See my collection here.

Bryce Robinson

And I'll teach the ltp of king of Tokyo at 3 to 5.
I take requests. See my collection here.



It looks like the Learn to Play is a bit more filled in on the other thread so I'll update this topic to match what is HERE


I will take the 10 - 11 slot on the registration table