Star Wars RPG Fantasy Flight Games

Started by swoop_ds, March 12, 2015, 12:32:23 PM

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Everybody enjoyed themselves, just couldn't commit to an ongoing thing.  I don't think that it would be too tough to get a game in here and there.  I've been thinking of making a campaign that people can drop in/out of so it would be okay if some characters were only around sporatically.


Makes good sense to me - you say you have been thinking about it - what were you thinking?


Basically, the PCs would have a ship that they sort of 'operate' out of, captained by an NPC who would give them missions or tasks.  That way, it wouldn't really matter if some people only showed up here and there.  I would design little 'modules' that would be playable in a 4 hour session, and then back to the ship.


That's a good idea
- I was thinking a Merc unit
But I like your idea better kind of like an "Away Team"


Also depending on how things go, I could have sessions that sort of centre around one of the characters to flesh them out more.

For example, dealing with obligations the various PCs have.


Good thinking
-leaves it up to the characters/players to evolve/develop their story arc