Feature Friday - Southside Pentecostal Assembly - Friday, June 21, 2024

Started by Allan Luesink, June 05, 2024, 11:49:29 PM

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Allan Luesink

Hey everyone,

June is here. School is wrapping up, summer is so close we can taste it. It's the time of vacations and relaxing weekends. It's a calm before this fall and all the real crazy breaking out. It's elections this year and it'll be nuts.

Our Feature Game for June is going to be one themed on the USA elections called Campaign Trail. This a strategy board game in which players pit their campaign skills against one another as they vie for the Presidency of the United States. You have just accepted your party's nomination for President of the United States. Now it's time to hit the Campaign Trail! How will you chart your path to victory? Engage in grass roots campaigning, advertise, sling mud at opponents, fund raise, debate, and so much more! But be sure to avoid revealing those skeletons you have buried in your closet. The candidate who best manages their resources and connects with the public on key issues will win the presidency!

Of course, as always, there will also be many other games available to be played.

!!! If you have a game you'd like to play and draw some attention to, feel free to volunteer for future Feature Game slots. Just drop me a note at feature_friday@hotmail.com.

Feature Friday meets at Southside Pentecostal Assembly (41 Birchwood Rd) from 7pm to midnight. There is parking and an entrance at the back of the building. A snack table will be set up so feel free to contribute a drink or something to munch on. And feel free to bring along friends (and to forward this invite).

Hope you'll be there,
