Dragon Ball Super Draft: ComicReaders Downtown: Saturday, February 17, 2018

Started by ChadBoudreau, January 31, 2018, 09:22:26 PM

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Dragon Ball Super Draft


ComicReaders Downtown is holding its first Dragon Ball Super Card Game Draft! This tournament is intended for new and experienced players. Draft is a game format in which players open fresh boosters, take cards from them in an orderly fashion and then compete with each other using decks built from those cards.

Players and Boosters

Each draft box supports 4 players. Each player receives 6 boosters-- 3 Galactic Battle and 3 Union Force and one Limited Leader Card.

ComicReaders Downtown has 5 Draft boxes, which means the draft event can support 20 players. But each pod must have 4 players. So we need 4, 8, 12, 16, or 20 players.

Draft Format

Players must build a 41-card deck consisting of 40 Battle / Extra cards and a Leader card.
A deck may include more than four copies of a single card.
Any cards not included in the deck can be used as sideboard cards.
Leader Cards can also be included in the sideboard.

Draft Rules
Each Draft Box requires 4 players.
1. First, each player takes 1 Leader Card provided in the Draft Box.
2. Each player takes their specified boosters for the draft (3 Galactic Battle and 3 Union Force).
3. Each player opens one of their booster packs.
4. Each player takes a card of their choosing from the booster they opened and passes the remaining cards face-down to the player on their left.

NOTE: If a player has not yet drafted a Leader Card and they open or are passed a booster that has a Leader Card they must take one of them. If a player is forced to do this they are allowed to take an additional non-Leader Card from the booster.

NOTE: A player cannot take a second Leader Card until all players have taken at least one Leader Card.

5. Repeat step 4 until all cards have been drafted.
6. Return to step 3 and repeat the steps in order until all cards from all boosters have been drafted. However, for the second, fourth and sixth boosters players pass the remaining cards to their right instead of their left.
7. After the draft, players use their cards to construct a 41-card deck with 40 Battle / Extra Cards and a Leader Card.
8. Players can now play matches with other players using the deck they constructed. A round robin format will be used.
9. Players play best-of-three matches against each other. Before starting the second and third games of a match players can exchange any cards in their deck with cards in their sideboard (including their Leader Card). As long as the final deck composition is valid there is no restriction to how many cards a player can exchange between their sideboard and their deck.

NOTE: If a player is unable to draft a Leader Card during the draft they can use a Leader Card obtained from outside the draft. (i.e. bring a spare just in case).

Prize Structure

Players keep whatever cards they picked during the draft.

The winner of each pod will receive an official tournament pack vol. 1.


Players can check the cards they drafted as long as they do not have any other cards in their hand.

When a card is removed from a booster by a player and placed face-down in their pile of drafted cards that card is considered taken by that player and cannot be returned to the booster.

The players are not allowed to and must be careful not to show other players any cards they have taken during the draft or any cards in the booster they are currently choosing their card from. The exception to this is Leader Cards. Players should show the Leader Cards drafted so that players know when all players have drafted one Leader Card thus meaning players can draft additional Leader Cards, if possible.

Players cannot in any way provide information to other players about which cards have been taken or which cards they want other players to take.

Dropping / Leaving the Tournament

In order for the Draft to work properly and be enjoyable to all players, each pod needs 4 players. Therefore, players should, ideally, not drop out of the draft once it is begun.  The draft box is to be used in a draft event, which itself, is designed to support the Dragon Ball Super community. Please do not attend this draft event if you are unable to play in the full event.


Saturday, February 17, 2018
11am - 5:00pm (estimate)

Venue Information: Click Here

$20 + tax ($21 after tax)

Chad Boudreau / Adam Boss

Each draft box supports 4 players. Each pod, therefore, needs 4 players in order to trigger a draft.

The Dragon Ball Super Card Game is the newest iteration of the Dragon Ball license applied to a collectable card game. While borrowing some basic terms and ideas from previous versions of the game, DBS introduces a number of new mechanics including a unique "combo" system, cards used for multiple purposes (energy, combos and characters) and a system designed to emulate the tendency of Dragon Ball characters to "power up" after taking damage.

Players of Dragon Ball Super Card Game use Facebook (Dragon Ball Super TCG - Regina to discuss the game.


Players are encouraged to book their spots in a pod. Each pod cannot support 4 players. A draft event will not trigger in a pod with less than 4 players.

Pod 1
1. Derrick
2. Hayden

Pod 2

Pod 3
