Cardfight Vanguard Tag Fight: ComicReaders Downtown: Saturday, November 30, 2019

Started by ChadBoudreau, November 01, 2019, 10:51:46 AM

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ComicReaders Downtown a Bushiroad Tournament Store.

Tag Fight is a game format played between two teams of 2 players each. The general form to play is similar to those of Standard Fight Rules. This is a format intended for fun; i.e. this is not a competitive format.

- The team that reaches 9 damage in total first will lose the fight.
- The fighter who starts last can attack first.
- The turn order is a zig-zag (see
- Players compete in teams of 2. You can come as a team; singles will be paired randomly at the start of the event.
- Fighters' opponent is the one directly in front of him/her. So fighter can only attack the one directly in front of them.
- Partners can guard, soul blast and counter blast for their partner but cannot attack during the other member's turn.
- When guarding for your partner, you may NOT use Intercepts.
- Unit skills only affect the player and his or her opponent (for example, Silent Tom can be blocked by a Grade 0 from your opponent's partner). This also affects perfect guard units.
- However, skills that apply to all fighters, like Eradicator, Tempest Bolt Dragon and Dark Cat can affect the partner and the opponents partner as well.
- Partners are forbidden from seeing each other's cards in hand.​
- Players may not coach nor strategize with their partner.

Generally, a tag fight will be set up where a team of two players will sit across from two other players in order to face off with each other. Each person will have the same zones available to them as in a normal game of Cardfight!! Vanguard. With this in mind, a player's partner's game board will be set adjacent to their partner. In addition to this, each team will be situated in such a way that each player will be sitting across from another player from the other team. This positioning of the player's matters, since the rules state that each player can only attack the opponent in front of him or her.

To reiterate the points made above, it is important to note that each player will have the same field layout as in a normal game of Vanguard. This fact remains true in this format, even if the players of each pair can use their teammate's counterblast and soul blast. Although it seems trivial to mention it, this is specifically mentioned due to card skills that focus on the soul (e.g. Genesis skills) and the damage zone (e.g. Angel Feather skills). In relation to zones, the guardian circles in tag format only exist between opponents (aka people facing each other in the pairs). This is also mentioned due to the phrasing of skills due to guarding skills. This is the very reason that perfect guards cannot be used for partners, since they can only be used for the player's vanguard typically.

We will run a Swiss style tournament for Tag Fight.

The top team will share a bag of Cardfight Vanguard goodies.
Every team will receive a pair of Cardfight Vanguard promotional packs.


Saturday, November 30, 2019
1:00pm start time for each event.

Venue Information: Click Here

Tag Fight is free.

Chad Boudreau

This is a free event.
Since this is a team event you won't be able to run this through the Bushiroad reporter.
The prizes are behind the counter and are labelled.
