Regina Pathfinder Society: ComicReaders Downtown: Sunday, August 21, 2016

Started by ChadBoudreau, July 27, 2016, 02:31:08 PM

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Saskatchewan Pathfinder Society - Regina

Pathfinder is a table top role playing game that is based in Golairon where adventurers band together to complete missions. Each mission is designated into a Scenario that fills a 4.5 hour time slot and approximately 25 in a season. All Pathfinder scenarios run by this group (Venture Captain Melvin Ngo) are sanctioned and will be reported to Paizo to ensure appropriate rewards are assigned. To ensure the maximum allotted time, all characters and players should be ready to go when seated. All characters have to be within the guidelines of the additional resources or other Pathfinder Society requirements listed here.

August 21, 2016
12:00 pm - 4:30 pm

Venue Information: Click Here

Melvin Ngo - Venture Captain


We require at the minimum of 3 players to start a table but to a max of 6 players per table. We should have 3 tables setup for the first session.

If anyone has any questions or needs assistance building a character. Please email me at
I look forward to bringing a regular Pathfinder Society to Regina and I hope everyone who participates enjoys the game.


Players Need:
1. Pencil and scrap paper (notepad)
2. Core rulebook (physical or watermarked digital pdf) - (Households may share this book if they are seated at the same table together)
3. Character sheet (If applicable)
4. a set of dice (d4, d6, d8, d10, d,12, d20, d%)
5. A 1 inch base miniature to represent your character (if available) - (we will bring extra miniatures to make sure no one is left out)
6. Any books, supplements, or legal sources that applies to your PFS character. (if applicable) (example: to play an alchemist or gunslinger you would require the appropriate book or pdf)
7. Pathfinder Society Number and registered character number (xxxxxx - x) (This is for reporting and applying credit for playing in the session)

Game Masters are bringing:
1. New player packages (this is our gift to the Regina players) (new character primer, rules cheat sheet, character sheet, inventory tracking sheet, adventure checklist, and colored table tent)
2. Pre-generated Characters (for those who don't have a registered character or want to try something new)
3. Extra Pathfinder Society registatation numbers (if you don't have one, that way you receive credit for playing the adventure)
4. Extra miniatures for Player Characters (PC) and for Non-Player Characters (NPC)
5. Faction Journals for players to pick a side.
6. All Game Master (GM) equipment to run the adventure