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Topics - Dana_Tillusz

Prairie Game eXpo is made possible thanks to the help of volunteers. This thread is to help schedule volunteers running the Prairie Game eXpo.

All Volunteers will receive an extra opportunity to win for all the game prize draws.

Registration Table Schedule
Role: Welcoming attendees, making sure everyone signs the log book, answering questions.

10am - 11am: tlh878
11am - 12pm: JohnnyThrust
12pm - 1pm: jilly
1pm - 2pm: Tempest
2pm - 3pm:  Mike Mcc.
3pm - 4pm: Reynard
4pm - 5pm: bboileau
5pm on: Open doors. We ask that all ambassadors keep watch for people in need.

Learn to Play
Role: Teaching easy / accessible games to people. "Learn to Play" is a PGX initiative to help introduce new games to PGX attendees. We will have three time slots available. We would like one, perhaps two volunteers for each game in each time slot. Game teachers will teach a single game to groups of people over a two-hour block. Please contact us here if you're interested.

10-12 - Mayhem. Game Teacher - NeikeDjour
12-2 - 7 Wonders (2nd Ed.). Game Teacher - Lori
2-4 - Wingspan. Game Teacher - Tempest
2-4 - The Game - bboileau

Please let us know if you are able to lend a hand at Prairie Game eXpo. Please reply to this forum.

Brought to you by

What: Prairie Game eXpo XVI
Where: REGINA SHRINE CLUB c/o OASIS HALL    :d6-1  N E W  L O C A T I O N  :d6-6
2065 Hamilton Street
Regina, SK  S4P 2E1
(Downtown Regina across from SaskPower)

When: Saturday, April 1, 2023. Starts at 10:00 AM. Ends at 9:00 PM
Who: Anyone interested in playing boardgames & miniature based games.
Why: Life is Short; Play Games!
Cost: This is a FREE event! With FREE parking at SaskPower

Here are some direct links to the game schedule:
Learn To Play
BoardGame Tournaments
Miniature Games
Role-Playing Games

Kitchen will be run by the WA WA Shriners.
Lunch and supper served! Snacks and beverages will be available all day. No outside food permitted in the venue.

Please note: Alcoholic beverages will be served after 4pm.
It's been 3 long years, but PGX will be returning April 1st! This is not a joke!  :)


Through the Desert Tournament

WHEN: Sunday January 19, 2020
WHERE: Prairie Game eXpo
DURATION: 120 minutes

There are 2 rounds to the tournament. They consist of:
- 1 Preliminary Round (4 tables of 4 people)
- 1 Championship Round (1 table of 4 people)

Tournament Format

The Preliminary Round will consist of 4 boards with 4 players. Players will play 1 game. The winner of each game will qualify for the Championship Round. If the tournament does not have 4 tables, the winner of each game will qualify, plus the highest scoring player will move to the Championship Round as needed.

PRIZES: Tournament winner receives a PGX prize mug

Time limit: No round will go longer than 60 minutes. Final determination will be based on number of victory points total among games played in a round.

If we do not make our 16 player roster we will make amendments on the fly.

In Through the Desert, two to five players each control a tribe of nomads vying for control of the desert. By establishing caravans and taking over oases, the players gain points as their tribes increase in power.
Strategy is essential in deciding how and where to build your tribe's caravans. There are multiple ways to gain points and several ways to win. Should you try to build the longest caravan? Or should you dominate the desert's oases? Don't forget to keep an eye on your opponents' caravans, or you may find your own tribe cut off from valuable water holes.


Prairie Game eXpo is made possible thanks to the help of volunteers. This thread is to help schedule volunteers running the Prairie Game eXpo.

New for this PGX all Volunteers will receive an extra opportunity to win in the game prize draws.

Registration Table Schedule
Role: Welcoming attendees, making sure everyone signs the log book, answering questions.

9am - 10am: Jason
10am - 11am: Tamara
11am - 12pm:  Christine
12pm - 1pm: Rosemarie
1pm - 2pm: Marshall
2pm - 3pm: Brad B
3pm - 4pm: Jesse C.
4pm - 5pm:  Darrin
5pm - 6pm: Open doors. We ask that all ambassadors keep watch for people in need.

Learn to Play
Role: Teaching easy / accessible games to people. "Learn to Play" is a PGX initiative to help introduce new games to PGX attendees. We will have three time slots available, with two games offered in each time slot. We would like one, perhaps two volunteers for each game in each time slot. Game teachers will teach a single game to groups of people over a two-hour block. Please contact us here if you're interested.

9-11 - Just One with Christine
10-12 - Through the Desert with Brad --followed by tournament at 12
12-2 - Santorini with --Jill followed by tournament after 2
12-2 - Unstable Unicorns with Gary
2-4 - Cursed Court with Mike McC.
3-5 - Reef with Chris S

Please let us know if you are able to lend a hand at Prairie Game eXpo. Please reply to this forum.

Battle Sheep Tournament

WHEN: Saturday September 21, 2019
WHERE: Prairie Game eXpo
DURATION: 90-120 minutes

There are 2 rounds to the tournament. They consist of:
- 1 Preliminary Round (4 tables of 4 people)
- 1 Championship Round (1 table of 4 people)

Tournament Format

We are still working on the format of this tournament.

PRIZES: Tournament winner receives a PGX prize mug

Time limit: No round will go longer than 60 minutes. Final determination will be based on number of victory points total among games played in a round.

If we do not make our 16 player roster we will make amendments on the fly.

In Battle Sheep (first released as Splits), players start the game by constructing the board from identical four-hex tiles, then each player places his/her tall stack of discs on one of the border hexes. Players take turns removing some number of discs from the top of one of their stacks, moving that new stack of discs as far away as it can go in a straight line. Players must leave at least one disc behind when moving, so the board gradually fills up and movement opportunities become more and more scarce. The player occupying the most spaces at the end of the game wins!



Sagrada Tournament

WHEN: Saturday September 21, 2019
WHERE: Prairie Game eXpo
DURATION: 120 minutes

There are 2 rounds to the tournament. They consist of:
- 1 Preliminary Round (4 tables of 4 people)
- 1 Championship Round (1 table of 4 people)

Tournament Format

The Preliminary Round will consist of 4 boards with 4 players. Players will play 1 game. The winner of each game will qualify for the Championship Round. If the tournament does not have 4 tables, the winner of each game will qualify, plus the highest scoring player will move to the Championship Round as needed.

PRIZES: Tournament winner receives a PGX prize mug

Time limit: No game will go longer than 60 minutes. Final determination will be based on number of victory points total among games played in a round.

If we do not make our 16 player roster we will make amendments on the fly.

Draft dice and use the tools-of-the-trade in Sagrada to carefully construct your stained glass window masterpiece.

In more detail, each player builds a stained glass window by building up a grid of dice on their player board. Each board has some restrictions on which color or shade (value) of die can be placed there. Dice of the same shade or color may never be placed next to each other. Dice are drafted in player order, with the start player rotating each round, snaking back around after the last player drafts two dice. Scoring is variable per game based on achieving various patterns and varieties of well as bonus points for dark shades of a particular hidden goal color.

Special tools can be used to help you break the rules by spending skill tokens; once a tool is used, it then requires more skill tokens for the next player to use them.

The highest scoring window artisan wins!



Brought to you by

What: Prairie Game eXpo XVII
Where: Core Ritchie Community Centre
445 14th Avenue
Regina, SK  S4N 3C3
(Corner of 14th and Lindsay Street)
(Use the Prince of Wales library entrance)

When: Saturday, September 21st, 2019. Starts at 9:00 AM. Clean up starts at 8:30 pm!
Who: Anyone interested in playing boardgames & miniature based games.
Why: Life is Short; Play Games!
Cost: This is a FREE event!

Here are some direct links to the game schedule:
Learn To Play
BoardGame Tournaments
Miniature Games
Game Designer's Corner
Role-Playing Games

Kitchen will be run by Al Ritchie Community Association.
CASH ONLY for food and drink. Breakfast, lunch and supper served! No outside food permitted in the venue.
Prairie Game eXpo is made possible thanks to the help of volunteers. This thread is to help schedule volunteers running the Prairie Game eXpo.

New for this PGX all Volunteers will receive an extra opportunity to win in the game prize draws.

Registration Table Schedule
Role: Welcoming attendees, making sure everyone signs the log book, answering questions.

9am - 10am: craftybernardo
10am - 11am: trimmer
11am - 12pm:  standstrong4u
12pm - 1pm: chelsealow
1pm - 2pm: JRobot4
2pm - 3pm: bboileau
3pm - 4pm: Jescor
4pm - 5pm:  PrairieGuy
5pm - 9pm: Open doors. We ask that all ambassadors keep watch for people in need.

Learn to Play
Role: Teaching easy / accessible games to people. "Learn to Play" is a PGX initiative to help introduce new games to PGX attendees. We will have three time slots available, with two games offered in each time slot. We would like one, perhaps two volunteers for each game in each time slot. Game teachers will teach a single game to groups of people over a two-hour block. Please contact us here if you're interested.

10-12 - Battle Sheep - Mike M.
10-12 - Quacks of Quedlinburg - Jill
12-2 - Sagrada - Miles
12-2 - Just One standstrong4u
2-4 - Tiny Towns TBD
3-5 - Twice as Clever! Brad B (bboileau)

Please let us know if you are able to lend a hand at Prairie Game eXpo. Please reply to this forum.

Ticket to Ride: Europe Tournament

WHEN: Saturday May 11, 2019
WHERE: Prairie Game eXpo
DURATION: 120 minutes

There are 2 rounds to the tournament. They consist of:
- 1 Preliminary Round (4 tables of 4 people)
- 1 Championship Round (1 table of 4 people)

Tournament Format

The Preliminary Round will consist of 4 boards with 4 players. Players will play 1 game. The winner of each game will qualify for the Championship Round. If the tournament does not have 4 tables, the winner of each game will qualify, plus the highest scoring player will move to the Championship Round as needed.

PRIZES: Tournament winner receives a limited edition set of trains: Milk Tankers. All players whom make it to the final table will receive a limited edition self of purple translucent trains.

Time limit: No game will go longer than 60 minutes. Final determination will be based on number of victory points total among games played in a round.

If we do not make our 16 player roster we will make amendments on the fly.
