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Messages - Baerik

Got on a little late and I see the feature game is basically full. So Justine and I will be running Castle Panic followed by Pandemic. One very short game and the other is up in the air as it were. We'll do Castle Panic at 630 and set Pandemic for 8-830.
Matt came to Chewsday Challenge on April 9th and it was like any other night. Dice were begging to be rolled, cards to be drawn and those pieces just had to be moved around the board. He ate supper and conversed with the many denizens that frequent the hallowed halls of Boston Pizza North Albert. Matt even enjoyed a pint or two as he wore that blasphemous hat waving it in front of everyone's face. He joined a game of Liar's Dice, but all was seen too quickly and then the worst thing happened!

Matt was gone and all that was left was his Eskimo hat in all of it's filth. I went to pick it up, but to my surprise I found a daring, cunning and brave note with his cap on a lonely table:

So a lesson for all dissenters out there... DON'T LEAVE BLASPHEMY LYING AROUND!!!!
Sign me up for adventurers please
Sign me up for the fire rescue game
Sign me up for food fight please.
Hi, can Stine and myself be taken off of Jamaica and put into Talisman please
Sign me up for legendary and formula d