- Total time spent Online
- 123 days, 23 hours and 57 minutes
- Total Posts
- 2,413 posts
- Total Topics started
- 305 topics
- Number of Polls created
- 5 polls
- Number of Votes cast
- 62 votes
- 12 am
- 1 am
- 2 am
- 3 am
- 4 am
- 5 am
- 6 am
- 7 am
- 8 am
- 9 am
- 10 am
- 11 am
- 12 pm
- 1 pm
- 2 pm
- 3 pm
- 4 pm
- 5 pm
- 6 pm
- 7 pm
- 8 pm
- 9 pm
- 10 pm
- 11 pm
- Archive of ChewsDay Challenge
392 posts of the member's 2413 posts (16.25%)392
- Game Discussion
165 posts of the member's 2413 posts (6.84%)165
- Archive of Prairie Game eXpo Events
39 posts of the member's 2413 posts (1.62%)39
- SaskGames Event - ChewsDay Challenge - Regina
33 posts of the member's 2413 posts (1.37%)33
- Miniatures Games
31 posts of the member's 2413 posts (1.28%)31
- General Discussion
17 posts of the member's 2413 posts (0.70%)17
- Archive of Strategy Saturday Events
15 posts of the member's 2413 posts (0.62%)15
- Archive of ComicReaders Downtown Events
10 posts of the member's 2413 posts (0.41%)10
- Archive of FRAG Games Day Events
8 posts of the member's 2413 posts (0.33%)8
- Marketplace
5 posts of the member's 2413 posts (0.21%)5
- Leagues
2 posts of the board's 5 posts (40.00%)40.00%
- Game Discussion
165 posts of the board's 1505 posts (10.96%)10.96%
- General Discussion
17 posts of the board's 167 posts (10.18%)10.18%
- Miniatures Games
31 posts of the board's 338 posts (9.17%)9.17%
- Archive of Strategy Saturday Events
15 posts of the board's 238 posts (6.30%)6.30%
- SaskGames Event - ChewsDay Challenge - Regina
33 posts of the board's 581 posts (5.68%)5.68%
- Saskatchewan Game Design and Products
2 posts of the board's 49 posts (4.08%)4.08%
- Marketplace
5 posts of the board's 153 posts (3.27%)3.27%
- Archive of ChewsDay Challenge
392 posts of the board's 12317 posts (3.18%)3.18%
- Archive of FRAG Games Day Events
8 posts of the board's 282 posts (2.84%)2.84%