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Messages - Blake

How do we get the Battlebond promo packs?

They are intended to be given out at the "Launch Party" the following week, but there's no event for that.

I'm not sure why WoTC decided to defy convention in this case, and I don't know how much flexibility you have with this.
Quote from: qwijybo on August 05, 2014, 02:09:34 PM
going domestic ill join in on suburbia.

Oh man, I got ninja'd by 30 seconds. Well played...
I apologize, but I will have to cancel out of Eons tonight. Sorry guys.
I'd like to officially get in on Robo Rally. Apparently it's awesome.
Are you still planning on hosting that special Modern Masters Sealed event?
You can leave at any time, just make sure you inform someone at the counter that you are dropping. This ensures you are removed from the pairings in the next round.

The second event, on both days, should start shortly after round one 3:30-4:00. The number of people participating in the second event dictates how many rounds it is and thus how long it will take. As such, it is difficult to predict when/if the third will begin.
The only thing we do preregistration for are the prerelease events for new sets. Feel free to show up. See you tomorrow maybe.
