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Messages - Sheldyn

Please sign me up for the X-Wing tournament.
Please sign me up for the X-Wing tournament.
Please sign me up for the X-Wing tournament.
Can I snag the last spot for Hansa Teutonica?
Please sign me up for the X-Wing escalation tournament.
I will definitely be there! One question I have is how many containers will there be? Or is this supposed to be a surprise? Also, I'm willing to fly in a team or solo if the numbers don't work out. I can also fly rebel or imperial, depending on numbers. Basically, whatever we need for the teams to work out, I'm willing to fly.
I am definitely down for both of these events. And either July 9th or 23rd work for me. Also, if no one else feels like it, I don't mind being the one to answer questions.
Anyone want to meet early tomorrow?
Anybody want to meet early tomorrow? Want to get some tournament practice in.