
Gaming Events => Public Events - Feature Friday - Regina => Topic started by: Allan Luesink on January 10, 2025, 07:17:38 AM

Title: Feature Friday - Southside Pentecostal Assembly - Friday, January 17, 2025
Post by: Allan Luesink on January 10, 2025, 07:17:38 AM
Hi everyone,

Welcome to the new year. Already 2025 is shaping up to be a wild one.

Staying with the theme of chaotic craziness, the first Feature Game of the new year will be a return to Thunder Road Vendetta ( It's a smash-up derby Mad Max style now expanded to play up to 6. Players will attempt to out-race, out-last, and out-luck their opponents in a race across a dystopian landscape. Cars careen, cars shoot, cars crash, cars launch, and you'll have a great time laughing at the ridiculousness of it all. The rules are easy - roll the dice and do what they say. It'll be a road race full of furious action.

Of course, as always, there will be many other games available to be played.

!!! If you have a game you'd like to play and draw some attention to, feel free to volunteer for future Feature Game slots. Just drop me a note at (

Feature Friday meets at Southside Pentecostal Assembly (41 Birchwood Rd) from 7pm to midnight. There is parking and an entrance at the back of the building. A snack table will be set up so feel free to contribute a drink or something to munch on. And feel free to bring along friends (and to forward this invite).

Hope you'll be there,
